It's finally happening, we finally have the stuff we need to move forward with the game and I'm happy to say development is moving smoothly. Within the next month and a half, I will be putting out the next major update for the free versions and the first paid version of Patreon. I will be updating the website with new models and then getting things moving forward on the dev side. Hopefully, the things I have to get done won't take long and I'll be able to get out new content really soon. This is gonna be a rather short devlog since I just wanted to get everyone hyped up for the new update! Tell me what you're excited to see in the comments! I wanna know what everyone is feeling cause frankly I'm excited this is finally happening!

Get Graduation Romance


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(1 edit)

Love the new designs, tho I'll admit I will miss Levi old design being bulky. Also did Marty animal species change or is that boar new character replacing him?  

Edit: nvm saw twitter post. Thats new character Nathan 

OMG that's wonderful news to hear can't wait to see it dude!!!


I want to date the teacher soon!!!